Cell phones are as dangerous as driving drunk, study says.
Does your novice teen driver really need anything to focus on besides traffic and the road conditions? Of course not.
DRIVE Alive research shows that a vast majority of teen drivers surveyed regularly talk on a cell phone while driving. That should put a scare into all of us. The risk of having a traffic accident while using a cell phone is the same as that while driving drunk, according to a study in The New England Journal of Medicine. Researchers found that cell phone users are four times more likely to get into traffic accidents than those who do not use them.
The National Transportation Safety Board has recommended that novice drivers be prohibited from using cell phones while behind the wheel. Good idea.
Remind your young driver of Indiana's law prohibiting use of cell phones No use of the cell phone unless the car is parked safely in a parking lot. Is that too much to ask of your teen if it can help keep him or her alive? You decide.